Tranquil Environment
The Preserve is a quiet community, it suggests a peaceful and tranquil environment. This is appealing for our residents who value a calm and serene atmosphere in their daily lives.
More details can be found in the Documents section
Regular upkeep of our 60+ acres of common property • Maintenance of infrastructure like sidewalks, front entrance signage and tot lot • Mailbox Maintenance • Social Events • Liability Insurance
Perimeter fences are not allowed in the subdivision as per Artcle VI, Secton 6.17 in our Covenants, Conditons, and Restrictons document. As described... “no perimeter fences, walls or similar structures shall be erected on any Lot. No other fences, walls, or similar structures shall be erected on any Lot without the prior writen approval of the Developer.”
Above Ground pools – above ground pools are not permited as per Artcle VI, Sec. 6.20 In-Ground Pools – in-ground swimming pools or other recreatonal structures can be allowed with approval in writng of the HOA as per Artcle VI, Sec. 6.20.
Mailboxes - how to request repairs Send a descripton of the damage (photo preferred), locaton including address, and the number of boxes involved to
For streets, contact the Washtenaw County Road Commission. Sidewalks are the responsibility of homeowners.
Sidewalk repairs are the responsibility of the HOA, while driveways and driveway “aprons” are not. Please report any trip hazards on sidewalks to
Feedback and Improvement is encouragd. This can help identify areas for improvement, refine workflows, and enhance the overall experience for future newsletter editions. Standby, our Newsletter will be out shortly.
Recruiting volunteer board members is a crucial step in maintaining the success and vibrancy of our community. Concider becoming a volunteer.